Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Sun­day Recap and Other Stuff

Hi everybody,

Hope your week­end was good to you!

I was up bright and early yes­ter­day morn­ing to enjoy my long run in the warm (well, maybe not that warm!) sun­shine. I’ve been much smarter with both my long rides and runs, nutri­tion­ally speak­ing. Boy oh boy, has it ever made a huge dif­fer­ence in my per­for­mance. Yes­ter­day, I began tak­ing in a half a gel 30 min­utes into the run and con­tin­ued every 15 min­utes therefter, until the end of the run, at the 2 hour mark. With all that fuel (and water every 15 min­utes), I could have con­tin­ued fur­ther, no prob­lem. Even my left hip which can get achy after about an hour, was happy and quiet through­out the entire run. I’m think­ing the con­tin­u­ous carb, sodium and potas­sium intake had alot to do with it. Oh, and did I men­tion that I also ate an eng­lish muf­fin with almond but­ter 1 hour prior to head­ing out? Yep, fuelling and hydrat­ing is the key to suc­cess­ful endurance training.

Funny enough, the Life sec­tion of the Globe and Mail today, has an arti­cle about this very topic. Check it out here.


On another note, I have a few new favourites in my fridge these days that I’d like to share with you.

#1 — Silk Almond Coconut Blend

In one word, DELI­CIOUS!!! I love it in my shakes and oat bran.

#2 — Earth Bal­ance Coconut & Peanut Spread

This stuff is scary.…do not attempt to eat just one spoonful.…

#3 — cele­riac or cel­ery root

I can’t remem­ber the last time I bought this funny look­ing root veg­gie but is it ever yummy. I made a fab­u­lous soup with it last night. All I did was sweat some onion and gar­lic in olive oil until soft and fra­grant, added chopped cau­li­flower and cele­riac, chicken broth to cover and a few sprigs of fresh thyme and pars­ley, salt and pep­per. Sim­mered the soup for about 30 min­utes or until the veg­gies were nice and ten­der, and then pureed it up in the blender until silky smooth and vel­vety. So so good.

Nutri­tion­ally speak­ing, cele­riac is less starchy than pota­toes and lower in calo­ries so go ahead and eat up!


Have a great day!
