Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Fuel­ing Your Workouts

Hello there,

Today I wanted to share with you some infor­ma­tion about sport nutri­tion from an indi­vid­ual who def­i­nitely knows a thing or two about the ben­e­fits of fuel­ing your body prop­erly. His name is Bren­dan Bra­zier and he is a for­mer pro­fes­sional Iron­man triath­lete and two-​time Cana­dian 50km Ultra Marathon Cham­pion. He is now a suc­cess­ful per­for­mance nutri­tion con­sul­tant and for­mu­la­tor of the award-​winning line of plant-​based Vega nutri­tional products.

Although I don’t pre­scribe to a vegan diet, I do rec­og­nize and sup­port the impor­tance of includ­ing a large por­tion of plant based foods into my daily diet. His web­site is a fan­tas­tic resource for train­ing and nutri­tion, not only for endurance ath­letes but for any­one inter­ested in fit­ness and health. This link below pro­vides an excel­lent overview of the com­plex world of proper sports nutri­tion, which I still find, is the most dif­fi­cult piece of the train­ing puzzle.


His recipes are also really good, even if you’re not a strict vegan. I espe­cially like his energy bar recipes which are easy to pre­pare and made with whole­some, good qual­ity car­bo­hy­drates. These two in par­tic­u­lar, are really good and they freeze well too!

Happy training!


