Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Sum­mer Recap

Hello there!

I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last post…So sorry! My only excuse is that I have been enjoy­ing some lovely vaca­tion time up at the cot­tage and have just quite hon­estly, not been very moti­vated to sit down at my com­puter and write. Both of my kids spent the entire sum­mer away at sleep­over camp, so I’ve really had the good for­tune to decom­press, chill out and just truly enjoy the lazy days of sum­mer. I wasn’t lazy with the work­outs though, as you prob­a­bly guessed. I’ve been doing some great rid­ing, both here in the city and up north at the cot­tage. I also have thank­fully, returned to run­ning (yay!) which has really got me pumped up. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve enjoyed run­ning pain-​free and I must say, it’s been a real treat. I espe­cially love my new Nike Lunar Glide shoes…so light and comfy!

I started see­ing my chi­ro­prac­tor weekly way back in June and he has been work­ing on my hip ever since, grad­u­ally break­ing down some seri­ous scar tis­sue and even­tu­ally free­ing me of pain. So far so good! I’ve been rolling my glutes on a soft­ball lately (the roller just isn’t hard enough any­more!) and I think that’s really helped. Hurts like hell but it really gets through the fas­cia and breaks up all those pesky lit­tle knots and trig­ger points.

Enough about me and my injuries.…Let’s move on to some­thing else, shall we?

Over the sum­mer, I included a few new prod­ucts into my daily rou­tine that I thought I’d share with all of you. I’m really lov­ing all of them, so you might want to give them a try.

Hope your summer’s been a good one!!!

Beth’s Sum­mer Must Haves:

organic pure coconut oil — I use it as an all over body lotion. It smells deli­cious and leaves a beau­ti­ful sheen on the skin. Espe­cially good for dry knees, elbows and heels.

organic pure rose­hip seed oil — I use a few drops around my eyes and all over my face as a mois­tur­izer. It’s very high in vit­a­min C and A, a nat­ural form of retinol. Great for anti-​aging and anti-​inflammation.

organic pure sea buck­horn seed oil — I’m using this now after read­ing about it’s pow­er­ful anti-​aging and anti-​inflammatory prop­er­ties. Doesn’t smell great but I use it all over my face before bed.

nat­ural bris­tle dry brush — I bought mine at a health food store for less than $10. Use it every day for 5 min­utes, all over your body and it 2 weeks you’ll see a dif­fer­ence in your skin. Start at your feet and brush upwards to improve cir­cu­la­tion and skin tex­ture (helps to get rid of cel­lulite and lift your butt). I know it sounds crazy but it’s an ancient rit­ual that actu­ally does work. Feels great too!

So there you have it! Give them a try and let me know what you think.

Have a great day!


Fol­low Me!


    Hi, I’m Beth; thanks for stop­ping by and vis­it­ing. I hope you’ll find a touch of inspi­ra­tion, loads of infor­ma­tion and a vari­ety of deli­cious, easy and healthy food ideas for you and your fam­ily to enjoy. Fit­ness and food are my two great pas­sions in life, notwith­stand­ing my love for my…

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