Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.


Shake, Shake, Shake and a Bowl of Oats!

Yes, it’s finally here! My very first blog posting!

So now that I hope­fully have someone’s atten­tion (hi every­one!!), I’ve decided to address the very impor­tant topic of post-​workout nutri­tion. I’m often asked by my many won­der­ful clients and stu­dents (shout out to Dun­field and Bloor St. Extreme mem­bers! You guys are awe­some!), what they should eat after one of my gru­elling but oh so fun work­outs. Did I men­tion I teach boot­camp, mus­cle, core and spin­ning at Extreme Fit­ness, through­out the GTA?


Read more: Shake, Shake, Shake and a Bowl of Oats!