Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.


Apple­sauce But­ter­milk Muffins

Hi everyone,

Just thought I’d share with you a yummy apple muf­fin recipe. I made a few health­ier changes to the orig­i­nal recipe and the results were delicious.

I sub­sti­tuted canola oil for unsweet­ened apple­sauce, cut the sugar in half and used half whole wheat, half white flour.

Hope you enjoy them!



Irish Soda Bread

Happy Tues­day everyone!

I don’t know about you, but it sure feels to me, like win­ter is just around the cor­ner. Yuck. I’m a sum­mer gal through and through. I love hot sum­mer days on my bike or div­ing into the cool, refresh­ing lake after a hard run. I’ve never been a fan of win­ter out­door activ­i­ties so unfor­tu­nately, my work­outs move indoors when the cold temps arrive and I find that depress­ing and often, unin­spir­ing. Sure, you can still have great work­outs inside, but noth­ing beats the fresh air and warm sun. Not in my books anyways!


Read more: Irish Soda Bread

Soup and Shakshuka

Hi there,

Hope every­one is doing well! I’m lov­ing this weather lately, aren’t you?

Just thought I’d share a cou­ple of recipes with you that I think you’re all going to enjoy. Not only are they both so easy to pre­pare, but they’re as always, low calo­rie, healthy and above all else, delicious!


Read more: Soup and Shakshuka

It’s Thai Time Again!

Hi all,

Nice weather we’re hav­ing today, huh? Absolutely brutal.…

I rode the ole’ trainer in the base­ment today and tried my very best to stay focused for the dura­tion of the work­out. It can be tough train­ing on your own, in the base­ment, with just you and the tv to keep you com­pany. I try to incor­po­rate a vari­ety of train­ing drills into my work­outs so I never seem to get too bored or unin­spired on the bike. Today, I rode for an hour and 45, gear­ing up every 5 min­utes, while try­ing my best to maini­tain my pace/​cadence. I was sweat­ing pretty good but man­aged to push through it and fin­ish strong.


Read more: It’s Thai Time Again!

Tasty Thai

Hi every­one,

Hope you all had a great weekend!

I did some good cycling on my indoor trainer (too chily for me in the early morn­ing) and squeezed in a nice long run on Sun­day. My weekly vis­its to the chiro seem to really help to keep all my finicky injuries at bay. I’m hold­ing my breath for now!

Yes­ter­day, my daugh­ter requested Viet­namese salad rolls for din­ner so off I went to my local T&T gro­cery store where I knew I could find just about any Asian ingre­di­ent ever made. I love that store…from the huge selec­tion of Asian greens to the unbe­liev­able array of chili sauces, I could spend all day in there. Their hot and sour soup, sea­weed salad and kim­chi are delish!


Read more: Tasty Thai

Grilled Chicken w/​Cur­ried Lime Coconut Sauce

Hi there,

Just a quick post today.… but after such a deli­cious din­ner last night, I knew I had to share this recipe with you.

It’s not one of my own cre­ations; I found it the other day unex­pect­edly, and decided to give it a try. It’s dead sim­ple to pre­pare and sooooo yummy! The orig­i­nal recipe called for curry pow­der but I used my favourite Madras curry paste, by Pataks. Any good gro­cery store car­ries their line of Indian pastes.

I served each chicken breast on a bed of long grain brown rice which I sim­mered in equal parts water and light coconut milk. It worked out per­fectly because I ended up using the remain­ing coconut milk left over from the mari­nade. Give it a try; you’re going to lick your plate clean!

Here’s the link:


Happy Weekend!
