Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Tar­get Heart Rate

Hi there,

Today, after my morn­ing spin class, one of my reg­u­lar spin­ners came to me with a few ques­tions regard­ing tar­get heart rates.

Although she rou­tinely wears a heart rate mon­i­tor, she was still unsure what her max­i­mum heart rate should be. Was the num­ber too high, too low or just right?

Truth­fully, there’s no easy answer. In fact, there really is no per­fect equa­tion (yes, 220-​age x HR% is not fool­proof) to deter­mine what your max­i­mum heart rate should be.

On that note, check out the link below (yep, I still love Lance Arm­strong.…) I think it will hope­fully help to shed some light on this very impor­tant train­ing topic.

Hope this helps, Carrie!



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