Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Body Shred Blues

Hey everyone,

This blog was sup­posed to be posted yes­ter­day but life just got in the way.…

Happy Sunday!

Wish I were feel­ing as bright and sunny as this beau­ti­ful June day in the city. Unfor­tu­nately, my damned foot still hurts like hell and I’m not sure what I can do about it other than to take some time off and let it heal. Of course, you all know that rest is NOT an option for me. I haven’t been run­ning at all but to say that I’ve been tak­ing it easy, would be a bit of a lie.

Yes­ter­day, I par­tic­i­pated in an all-​day train­ing work­shop, for Goodlife Fit­ness, where I now teach. Used to be Extreme Fit­ness — but we won’t go there right now! Any­how, it was run by two great guys from LA who work for Jil­lian Michaels and are mas­ter train­ers for her new group fit­ness class called Body Shred. It’s basi­cally a 30 minute class com­prised of 4 cir­cuits, designed in a 3, 2, 1 for­mat. It starts off with 3 min­utes of resis­tance train­ing, fol­lowed by 2 min­utes of car­dio and fin­ishng off with 1 minute of ab recov­ery. Each cir­cuit is repeated twice and the entire work­out is com­pleted within 30 min­utes. It’s a great work­out — mostly com­pound, dynamic exer­cises per­formed at high inten­sity with min­i­mal recov­ery (ab component).

My day started at 8:30am and began with a Body Shred class which I stu­pidly did, even though my foot was not very happy. I then pro­ceeded to do another say, 6 more cir­cuits, of jump­ing, bound­ing, shuf­fling, kick­ing and then finally, limp­ing!! By the time I had to walk back to the sub­way, I lit­er­ally was cry­ing out in pain. My evening was spent once again, lying on the couch, with my ice bags, feel­ing very sorry for myself.

I was plan­ning on head­ing out for a ride this morn­ing, but I decided instead, to sleep in a bit, ice, and then head over to the gym for an hour on the step mill. Yippee!! My foot felt ok and I fol­lowed the work­out with a few sets of calf stretches/​exercises, which have def­i­nitely helped my foot.

Any­how, that is what’s been hap­pen­ing in my world. I know it’s just a tem­po­rary set­back and I need to focus on all the won­der­ful, pos­i­tive things/​people in my life. In the big pic­ture of life, this really isn’t a big deal. I need to step back and be grate­ful instead of bitch­ing over a silly sore foot.

Tonight, I’m mak­ing one of my favourite Sun­day night sup­pers which is an egg white, spinach, sun­dried tomato and feta fri­tatta. Add a big kitchen sink salad, and I’m one happy girl. I have posted the recipe and a pic for you.…

Hope you’re all enjoy­ing your week­end and remem­ber to be grate­ful for your good heath!

On another note, I’ve been tak­ing the maca root for over a month now and quite hon­estly, I’m not feel­ing any dif­fer­ent. Not to say that it’s hocus pocus, but I haven’t expe­ri­enced any of the won­der­ful effects. Maybe give it a try and see what you think. I’d love to hear your experience.

Spinach, Feta and Sun­dried Tomato Fritatta


1 cup liq­uid egg whites

1 box frozen chopped spinach, thawed, squeezed and drained

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 onion, thinly sliced

2 gar­lic cloves, minced

14 cup sun­dried toma­toes, thinly sliced

14 cup light feta, crumbled

salt and pep­per, to taste

Pre­heat oven to 400 degrees.

In a non-​stick fry­pan, over medium-​low heat, saute onion and gar­lic in oil until soft­ened and fragrant.

Add remain­ing ingre­di­ents, dis­trib­ut­ing the toma­toes, spinach and feta evenly, over the entire surface.

Cook for approx­i­mately 4 min­utes or until eggs appear set.

Place in oven for an addi­tional 4 min­utes or until lightly browned.

Remove from oven, cut into wedges and enjoy!

…And here’s my kitchen sink salad.…roasted cau­li­flower, avo­cado, spinach, cukes and toma­toes. So yummy.


Fol­low Me!


    Hi, I’m Beth; thanks for stop­ping by and vis­it­ing. I hope you’ll find a touch of inspi­ra­tion, loads of infor­ma­tion and a vari­ety of deli­cious, easy and healthy food ideas for you and your fam­ily to enjoy. Fit­ness and food are my two great pas­sions in life, notwith­stand­ing my love for my…

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