Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

My Daily Do’s

Hi every­one!

Hope you enjoyed that brief stretch of mild weather.…Today was down­right chilly! I guess there’ll be plenty more of it on its way so there’s no use in com­plain­ing. Winter’s com­ing whether we like it or not!

On my way home today, I stopped off at my local health food store for a few of my daily do’s and thought I might share them with all of you.

  1. Vit­a­min D — prefer­ably in liq­uid form as it is more eas­ily absorbed into the blood­stream. I take 40001U daily with a meal. Why take it? For starters, vit­a­min D helps to trans­port cal­cium into the blood but new research sug­gests that it may be one of the best vit­a­mins of all for your body. It affects cell death and pro­lif­er­a­tion, insulin pro­duc­tion, and even the immune sys­tem. What’s most remark­able about vit­a­min D is the sheer num­ber of health issues it’s been linked to. In the past few years, stud­ies have shown that a lack of the vit­a­min may be the pri­mary cul­prit in depres­sion, heart dis­ease, preg­nancy prob­lems, birth defects, skin and other can­cers, and mul­ti­ple sclerosis.
  2. Psyl­lium Husk — pure sol­u­ble fibre derived from the seeds of a plant and the answer to all your irreg­u­lar­ity issues. One table­spoon a day of this stuff and your bow­els will be func­tion­ing like clock­work. Don’t mean to be graphic but we all can agree that con­sti­pa­tion is never fun. I add it to my pro­tein shake; it has no taste and blends well.
  3. Nutra Sea fish oil — I like this brand because it comes in a lemon flavour which works per­fectly in a salad dress­ing. Trust me, there’s no fish taste or smell and it doesn’t repeat on you either, like the cap­sules. Yuck. I mix 1 table­spoon with some bal­samic vine­gar, Dijon mus­tard and some herbs and it’s a fast and deli­cious salad dress­ing. Omega-​3 fatty acids can help to improve your health in a myr­iad of ways, such as, reduc­ing inflam­ma­tion, improv­ing heart health, aid­ing in fat-​burning, and boost­ing brain power and mem­ory, to name just a few.
  4. Whey Iso­late — You already know how impor­tant it is to get an ade­quate amount of pro­tein into your daily diet, espe­cially if you want to build mus­cle and stay lean. I add 2 scoops to my pro­tein shake every day after my work­out and so should you!
  5. Water — All day long, every day, no mat­ter what. Enough said.

So that’s it. Noth­ing too com­pli­cated, right? I encour­age you all to try and incor­po­rate at least 1 of my daily do’s into your reg­i­men. Let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear from you.



Fol­low Me!


    Hi, I’m Beth; thanks for stop­ping by and vis­it­ing. I hope you’ll find a touch of inspi­ra­tion, loads of infor­ma­tion and a vari­ety of deli­cious, easy and healthy food ideas for you and your fam­ily to enjoy. Fit­ness and food are my two great pas­sions in life, notwith­stand­ing my love for my…

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