Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Pain in the Butt

Hi everyone,

Now that we’re into April, I’ve ramped up my train­ing slightly with my sights on the upcom­ing sea­son. I’m think­ing of doing some tri races but haven’t yet decided what dis­tances I want to com­mit to. I’m wrestling with the idea of a half iron­man but I’m a bit ner­vous about the impact of the run on my body. I’ve been run­ning around 40-​45km/​week with no prob­lems other than a pesky glute that likes to tighten up, result­ing in weak­ened power of the legs. It doesn’t feel like pir­i­formis because luck­ily, I have expe­ri­enced zero sci­atic pain but I have been doing some dynamic move­ments that are help­ing to release the glutes. This arti­cle pro­vides some really good infor­ma­tion about pir­i­formis syn­drome and also illus­trates some of the exer­cises that I’ve been prac­tic­ing. Now get out there and RUN!! No excuses!!!


On another note, I made a yummy Mid­dle East­ern inspired meal the other night to rave reviews. I took a lamb shawarma recipe, used chicken breasts instead, and served it with bas­mati rice infused with all­spice and cumin. I also added a hand­ful of toasted sliv­ered almonds and dried cran­ber­ries to the rice just before serv­ing. So yummy!


I also stum­bled upon this web­site which deliv­ers authen­tic Lebanese flavours. I love Mid­dle East­ern food and this site has some great restau­rant dishes to eas­ily repli­cate at home.


