Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

It’s Thai Time Again!

Hi all,

Nice weather we’re hav­ing today, huh? Absolutely brutal.…

I rode the ole’ trainer in the base­ment today and tried my very best to stay focused for the dura­tion of the work­out. It can be tough train­ing on your own, in the base­ment, with just you and the tv to keep you com­pany. I try to incor­po­rate a vari­ety of train­ing drills into my work­outs so I never seem to get too bored or unin­spired on the bike. Today, I rode for an hour and 45, gear­ing up every 5 min­utes, while try­ing my best to maini­tain my pace/​cadence. I was sweat­ing pretty good but man­aged to push through it and fin­ish strong.

I always say to my clients and stu­dents that it’s so impor­tant to fin­ish strong; you never want to leave any­thing behind, whether it’s on the bike, gym floor or the road. The best feel­ing is know­ing that you gave it your all, and that my friends, is what it’s all about. 100% effort everytime.

On another note, I made a really deli­cious cucum­ber salad yes­ter­day that I thought I’d share with all of you. I kept it really sim­ple but you could add shrimp, chicken, mango or pineap­ple for a more dolled up ver­sion. The dress­ing is what really make it. Don’t be put off by the smell of the fish sauce (yikes!). Trust me, it all bal­ances out in the end.

Have a great week­end everyone!

Thai Cucum­ber Salad

Salad Ingredients:

1 Eng­lish cucum­ber, thinly sliced

12 cup fresh bean sprouts, roughly chopped

12 cup car­rots, grated

1 fresh red chile, seeded and minced

2 green onions, chopped

12 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

14 cup each fresh Thai basil and mint

14 cup roasted, unsalted peanuts, chopped

Dress­ing Ingredients:

2 Tbsp fish sauce

1 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp chile gar­lic sauce, or to taste

1 tsp sugar, or to taste

Com­bine salad ingre­di­ents in a mix­ing bowl.

Whisk dress­ing ingre­di­ents together. Sea­son to taste.

Pour over salad and toss well.
