Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

My Daughter’s Favourite…And It’s Green!!

Hi every­one,

Just wanted to give a shout out to my Dun­field spin class, from this morn­ing. I put them through a tough inter­val class, at race pace, and did they ever make me proud! Great work guys!!!

For those of you who know me well, you know that I LOVE to cook. Funny enough, this is no secret to all of my kids friends who enjoy com­ing over to my house for home-​cooked meals and my unbeat­able chewy choco­late chip cook­ies. No, those aren’t diet friendly, but boy, are they ever good!

So this after­noon, I was on duty for both my daughter’s hol­i­day potluck din­ner (chicken soup & matzah balls, green beans in chili gar­lic sauce) with her camp cabin and my son’s hol­i­day party with his hockey team (yep, you guessed it — choco­late chip cook­ies!) on Sunday.

While the cook­ies are very yummy, I’m only going to share the green bean recipe with you because hon­estly, do we really need more cook­ies, this time of year???

This recipe can eas­ily be pre­pared with broc­coli, snap peas, zuc­chini or bok choy. I made extra for tonight’s din­ner of hoisin glazed salmon.

Green Beans with Chili Gar­lic Sauce

1 lb. green beans, tops and tails removed

2 Tbsp oys­ter sauce

2 Tbsp chicken broth

1 Tbsp chili gar­lic sauce

1 Tbsp cornstarch

1 Tbsp fresh gin­ger, grated

1 Tbsp sesame seeds

  1. In a medium-​sized pot, over high heat, steam beans cov­ered (about 1 minute), in about an inch of bol­ing salted water.
  2. Drain beans in a colan­der and rinse with cold water.
  3. In a small bowl, com­bine sauce ingre­di­ents; set aside.
  4. In a large skil­let, warm green beans over medium heat; add sauce and sesame seeds and toss well.


Fol­low Me!


    Hi, I’m Beth; thanks for stop­ping by and vis­it­ing. I hope you’ll find a touch of inspi­ra­tion, loads of infor­ma­tion and a vari­ety of deli­cious, easy and healthy food ideas for you and your fam­ily to enjoy. Fit­ness and food are my two great pas­sions in life, notwith­stand­ing my love for my…

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